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October 24, 2009 | Page One Sports City | Region Living | Arts Business Editorial | Opinion |
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EXHIBITION REVIEW: ‘Harry Potter’ & the green machine | Not much science, but exhibit’s enchantments will bring in the crowds VOICES | JOANNA WEISS: For this child, reality bit back OPERA REVIEW: Podles gives both depth and pathos to ‘Tancredi’ DANCE REVIEW: Bravely, Streb’s troupe goes to another extreme GLOBE EDITORIAL: It's a university, not a hedge fund GLOBE EDITORIAL: Business: The (former) home of the Braves GLOBE EDITORIAL: In Sudan, dialogue has limits DERRICK Z. JACKSON: Blowing smoke on warming, clean air JEAN F. MACCORMACK: UMass law is an affordable option JENNIFER C. BRACERAS AND LAWRENCE F. BOYLE: Bailout of failing UMass law idea | |||||||
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